So get this...A guy at a Chinese zoo decided it was a good idea to jump in the tiger pit. Obviously this didn't end well. Authorities at the zoo resort on Dongqian Lake are investigating his death after he decided that he'd hop the fence instead of buying a ticket for admission. Sad ending for him and the zoo visitors who saw the whole thing!
Let me get this straight.. this guy was trying to avoid the maaaaaaybe $20 bucks it costs to get into the Zoo, right? First off.. who NEEDS to get into the zoo that bad? Secondly, if you HAVE TO sneak in.. everyone knows as long as you have on short beige shorts. boots, and a beige top, you walk right though the front entrance looking like you're ready to punch a lion in the jugular they'll let you right through like Steve Irwin...
But NO.. Not only does this guy try to break in wearing innocent by standard clothing, but he goes straight through the Tigers mess hall! Clearly it was this guys first, and unfortunately last time sneaking in to a zoo. I'm sure he immediately regretted that decision...
You can find the video of this attack HERE. Warning, it is extremely graphic.