Apparently this wanted man who disappeared after leaving a federal prison in Virginia was caught and brought in the next day.
I'm shocked that it even took 24 hours. I mean c'mon if you're a fugitive running from the police and you're covered in face tattoo's.. you clearly didn't think this through. Cover your face in tattoo's and you become the most recognizable person anywhere you go. I getting groceries at Publix and saw a guy with a huge cross on the side of his face and couldn't stop staring. Nothing against tattoo's at all. I have a bunch. None on my face, but nothing against face tats. I'm just saying, if you watched this guy steel from you and then had to pick him out of a police line up.. you'd be a complete meatnose not to recognize him off rip.
P.S. The more I look at this picture the less I'm going to sleep tonight. I'm glad this guy is back behind bars. (man-card revoked)