#1 Should I find out if Ryan Gosling likes me back before I leave my man?
#2 Am I unrealistic for thinking there's more than one woman on Earth willing to have sex with me? (Hint: Yes.)
#3 How can I convince my wife that I go on three business trips a month, when I'm an assistant manager at Olive Garden?
#4 Am I ready to give up on my dreams . . . specifically my dreams of being tied down and never having fun ever?
#5 Can I get away with cheating if I call it "alternative spouse-ing?"
#6 Wouldn't it be easier to just pretend I'm having sex with someone else by closing my eyes? And holding my nose? And constantly humming so I don't hear his disgusting voice?
#7 Is my husband dumb enough to believe I'm spending my nights researching underground rock formations?
#8 Is it really cheating if it's with someone uglier than your spouse?
#9 Will I make my wife suspicious by starting to use deodorant?
#10 Do I want to run for office in the future, because this could be a huge benefit?