Let's start with Shawn Johnson East.. never heard of her/him but they have a massive following which unfortunately makes her/him a celebrity in 2017. In any case, they went with the classic and never funny "I'm preggo" April Fools prank. Weak.
Aaaaaand the well-deserved backlash starts..
Moving on to a celebrity with more mass appeal, sex symbol, Gigi Hadid. She went with the old "OMG I cut my hair" prank which was better than exhibit A (Shawn something or other) but still not an A+ April Fools Day prank.
Good attempt Gigi, solid C+ for effort. Moving on to everyone's favorite speedo-wearing super athlete. Michael Phelps. Let me tell you something.. I love Michael Phelps. I'm convinced that he's a super human with super powers. He can swim fast, isn't effected by the trash talk, smokes weed on the reg, and crushes Gold medals for a living. Michael Phelps is America's swimming hero.
Phelps has a solid fan base of humans that literally ONLY watch the Olympics to see him turn into a mer-man and bring home the gold. Did he really think this wasn't going to piss his fans off?
I must admit, even with his tasteless April Fools day prank, my man-crush on Michael Phelps continues. Truth be told.