This story is crazy. Apparently a woman named Emily was sitting on a Frontier Airlines flight and the guy behind her was 'blackout drunk'. He was touching her shoulder and spitting corny pick up lines, but she drew the line when he pee'd on her seat. She screamed for the flight attendants who kicked the man off the flight and eventually got him arrested.
Now here's the deal. When you fly Frontier, you have to expect things like this could potentially go down. Not saying this dude is in the clear but let be honest here.. if you're gunna pee on a flight, might as well make it Frontier.
Poor Emily tho. She must have crapped her pants. I remember the first time my I got pee'd on. It was absolutely terrible. Middle of the night I wake up to my roommate standing over me and peeing all over the foot of my bed. I wanted to kick his ass, but I didn't. I recorded it and tagged him on facebook. Paybacks a bitch.
Anyway, hopefully Emily gets her day in court with this Frontier plane urinator. Part of me feels bad for her. The other part of me feels like millennial's get upset over anything these days. How about being the guy sitting next to him. "Excuse me sir, urine my seat."