Ok.. can we just talk about Piggy Smallz here for a second. When I think pig.. I think big, ugly, overweight, smelly animals. Piggy Smallz redefines the 'pet pig' for me. I mean look at that face..
We also have to address the fact that Ariana ended up with the pig. TMZ reported Pete got the $100,000 ring back (he needs it more than Ari) and in return Ari got P.Smallz. Here's my beef with that..
Pete got a Piggy Smallz tattoo on him that he now has to get removed. If you get a tattoo of an animal, that animal should automatically go to you in a split. It should be law.
In any case, we're wishing these two the best- maybe we'll see Ariana Grande in Boca shopping at Town Center around Christmas time.