Please excuse the blatant honesty here but.. are we really shocked?
Although there was no evidence of Khloe and Tristan getting back together- one would think that following a baby #2 announce, things could be getting back on track.
Apparently not. This is textbook Tristan / Khloe here.. you think you know, and then BOOM blindsided by a Tristan sidepiece. Classic. If they were on the road to recovery, I'm starting to not feel bad for Khloe these days. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool my twice.. c'mon bro.
This better mean him and Khloe are officially done. I swear if the show comes out and shows him trying to win Khloe back after his new child AND we have now seen this video ima scream.
I'll wrap this up with a famous quote:
There are only 2 constants in this world.
- Nothing stays the same.
- Tristan will continue is blatant rawgoggery.