A Drone Captured a Swimmer Fighting Off... An Alligator?

Close-Up Of Aligator

Photo: Getty Images

It's no surprise here that in Florida whacky things happen every day, but this is a little bit different of a story...

A Tampa man was "chomped" by 12 foot long alligator when he was out shooting a commercial for his company. He fought off the alligator by putting his hands in its mouth, and then swam to shore to get help.

He was hospitalized immediately, where he underwent six hours of surgery. The alligator bite crushed his head, broke his jaw and damaged a facial nerve. He spent eight days in hospital and was discharged last week.

I know one thing's for sure - after watching this, I'm definitely not getting into any water that looks like THAT! Glad the dude's okay now.

Check out the original article on Fox News here.

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