Hurricane season is not gonna let us off as easy as we thought it would. This morning, the National Hurricane Center showed that Tropical Depression Nine can grow even stronger than initially expected. The majority of Florida (and ALL of South Florida), is in the cone of uncertainty. Landfall of the storm is expected on the southwest coast Wednesday. The depression is expected to turn into a tropical storm by tonight, and become more intense over the weekend.
The acting director of the NHC, Jamie Rhome says the hurricane could impact Florida like a CAT 3 storm. But, don't panic yet as it's still early days and this storm could change.
Make sure you stock up on supplies like canned goods and drinkable water. Fill up on gas so you don't have an empty tank in case of emergency.
Keep an eye out for updates regarding the storm. Y100 will keep tabs as soon as updates are dropped at OPERATION STORMWATCH.