Billie Eilish Watched The Office A Lot So She Thought U2 Was From Scranton

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Billie Eilish watched the tv show 'The Office' so much that she genuinely believed that the Irish band U2 was from Scranton.

Apparently, she has seen the show over 30 times, and started watching the show from a really young age.

She admitted this on the new episode of Angela Kinsey and Jenna Fischer's "Office Ladies" podcast. During the podcast, she said that because she watched the show when she was so young, a lot of the jokes went over her head - including one where Jim tells Michael that Scranton only "made it big" because U2 were from there.

Billie said:

"Last June, we were in Ireland. I'm in my hotel and I get flowers delivered to my room and it has a little letter on it," she recalled "And it's this really, really sweet letter and it says 'from Bono.' And I was like, 'Why would Bono, who's from Scranton… and I go, 'Why would he send me something in Ireland? What does this have to do with him?' And it said, 'Welcome to my hometown' or something like that. But U2 is from Scranton. And I kept asking everyone like, 'What is Bono doing sending me flowers all the way across the world? Why would he do that?' And my friends were like, 'Billie, what are you talking about? They're Irish.' I was like 'No they're not.'"

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