An Iguana Fell On A Man's Face During An Outdoor Yoga Class In Miami


Photo: Getty Images

Yoga should be fun and relaxing - but not for this guy 😬

A man named Michael (who doesn't want his last name to be revealed for obvious reasons) was hit in the head by a falling iguana during a yoga class on Saturday.

"I didn't see it coming. It felt like a sandbag hit me in the face," he said.

Luckily, he was taken care of by paramedics who had happened to be at Legion Park's Saturday farmers market.

He suffered from a black eye and other facial injuries, but thankfully is expected to make a full recovery.

Despite the traumatic incident, he says he's still a fan of yoga.

Don't know if I'd be able to do yoga in public again after an iguana hit me in the face... Wishing him a speedy recovery!

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