‘Zoofari’ At Zoo Miami Will Be Pulled Off The Tracks Next Month


Photo: Getty Images

You might want to plan a trip to Zoo Miami after reading this...

After nearly four decades, the monorail at Zoo Miami will soon be pulled off the tracks, but you still have a chance to take pictures of it through March 2nd.

The “Zoofari” opened in 1982 and originally consisted of three trains that provided elevated transportation around the zoo on a 2.2-mile long track.

After Hurricane Andrew severely damaged the monorail in 1992, it became increasingly difficult to maintain. The zoo wanted to keep the monorail operational, but unfortunately the company who made the original parts has gone out of business.

Luckily, Zoo Miami has other sources of transportation available within the park including regular tram tours as well as safari cycle rentals.Trams will be added in the near future.

Special VIP golf cart tours are also available by reservation online and through the group sales department, according to Zoo Miami.

Your last chance to snap pictures of the monorail will be from Feb. 16 through March 2nd.

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