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Some state lawmakers say that nearly $700 million is available to Florida homeowners who are struggling due to the pandemic.
Democrat Senator Lori Berman says the money is from the nearly $2 trillion American Rescue Plan that was approved by Congress last year.
"The pandemic has been incredibly difficult financially for lots of families and since the start of the pandemic, around 12 percent of homeowners with a mortgage fell behind on their housing payments."
She says the Homeowner Assistance Fund is administered through the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity and the $676 million can be used for mortgage payments, utility bills and skyrocketing home insurance premiums.
To qualify, you must be a Florida homeowner who is requesting assistance with your primary residence. You also must have experienced financial hardship after or continued after January 21, 2020 and meet certain income requirements.
Senator Tina Polsky says they're not just pushing a message to potential beneficiaries of the program...
"But it's also important for us as state legislators to keep the governor and DEO accountable for distributing this money."
She says said about 23,000 people have applied for assistance through the program, but only 386 applications have been approved so far
Democrat Florida Congresswoman Lois Frankel hosted Monday's press conference in West Palm Beach.
The Florida Legislature is holding a special session to deal with property insurance later this month.
For more information on the Homeowner Assistance Fund and to apply, Click Here.