Frankie P

Frankie P

Frankie P drops the most viral songs in The Y100 Streaming Report, weeknights at 8pm! And some wild TikToks...Full Bio


Dog Owner Successfully Cloned Her Dog 3 Times and Plans to Keep Doing It

A woman in Seattle paid $50,000 to have her dog CLONED and it worked!

55-year-old Seattle native, Amy Vangemert, has a 13-year-old toy poodle named Buhner. She said she couldn't cope with the idea of him dying so . . . she had him CLONED.

It worked but it did cost her $50,000 to clone him..... Money apparently wasn't an issue because she got three copies back, which she's named Buhner Junior, Baxter, and Ditto (anyone else feel like that last one was named on purpose to sound like the pokemon?)

She says she plans on continuing to keep making clones of him, so he can live forever.

Well . . . I mean . . . sort of.

If you want to play God and clone your fur baby, the company called ViaGen Pets in Texas will clone a dog for $50,000 and a cat for $25,000

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