I think we have officially run out of beauty trends!
Well, I HATE cold water! So I don't think I would be brave to do this.
And who has the time for this??? I mean I'm lucky if my daughter lets me brush my teeth in the morning! LOL
BUT If you want to give it a shot, here is what you do:
1. First apply your primer, concealer, and foundation, then apply loose powder or baby powder all over to set the makeup.
2. Dunk your face for 30 seconds in cold, freezing water.
3. Allow your face to air dry, or very gently pat your face dry to prevent smudging.
4. Apply you eye makeup, blush & lipstick as usual.
5. Enjoy your face alllll day! :D
Let me know if you like it: @Ninaontheradio (Twitter & Instagram)
The blogger reminded me of Mulan, so freaking cute & soft spoken.
For you ladies with oily skin, hope this is a nice trick for special occasions ;)