Below is 18 year old Joshua O'Connor who was planning an attack at his school in Everett, Washington.
He had bought two guns and has been researching explosive devices.
He kept a journal with detailed plans about what he wanted to do.
“I’m preparing myself for the school shooting, I can’t wait. My aim has gotten much more accurate. I can’t wait to walk into that class and blow all those (expletives) away.”
“I need to make this count. I’ve been reviewing many mass shootings/bombings (and attempted bombings) I’m learning from past shooters/bombers mistakes.”
-From Joshua O'Connor journal
THANKFULLY, his GRANDMOTHER found the journal & one of the guns in his guitar case and called the cops on Tuesday at 9:25am to turn him in.
They believe he also robbed a convenience store. He's facing charges for first-degree robbery AND attempted first-degree murder.