25 year old Taylor Dunnavant from Missouri, says nothing could have prepared her for the moment she met her daughter Noralynn just a month ago on March 5.
“Her hair, her skin, everything was white. I had no idea she was going to have albinism.”
“It was a complete shock. They lifted her up and sat her on me and all I could do was say, ‘Oh! Everything on her is white!’ said Taylor.
When they introduced their 5 year old daughter, Brooklynn, to her new baby sister her reaction couldn't have been sweeter.
“She said she looks like Elsa and a snow fairy!” Taylor recalls. “She looked at me and said, ‘Mom, she’s a snow fairy and I started giggling. She said, ‘She’s related to Elsa!’
“Everything from grocery stores to doctor’s visits, I have to be prepared for people’s questions,” she says. As for Brooklynn, Dunnavant says she adores her baby sister.
“She wants to do everything with her. She can’t wait till she’s bigger to jump on the trampoline with her. She tells people, ‘My sister has white hair, but it’s okay! She’s different.’ She absolutely loves her sister.”