Sami Jo

Sami Jo

Sami Jo is the biggest Harry Styles stan, has been to every big concert this year and loves dishing pop culture news! Full Bio


Lady Gaga's Meat Dress Returns

Ten years after she made headlines by wearing it to the MTV Video Music Awards, Lady Gaga has taken her iconic meat dress out of refrigeration. Yes- it really needs refrigeration!

The dress is among several well-known outfits Gaga wears in a new pro-voting commercial. "If you want to change this system, if you want this country to be different than it is right now, you have got to participate in this election," the 34-year-old says in the spot.

As Gaga's attire continues to change, she adds, "I’ve said a lot of things in a lot of different ways, wearing a lot of different outfits, makeup, hats, dresses made out of meat. But one thing that has never changed is my voice and what I believe."

Photo: Getty

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