Officials are warning South Florida to be on the look out for a rare and massive visitor- a North Atlantic right whale. Her name is Champagne and she’s one of the largest mammals in the world. She and her calf were spotted in the waters near Lake Worth Inlet this week and NOAA is looking for help locating the duo again.
Right whales are an endangered species. In October there were 366 in the world, a decline from the 412 in January 2018. Champagne’s visit to South Florida is extremely rare for a right whale. They normally give birth near northeast Florida, their only known calving ground, then head to the New England area.
NOAA said 11 right whale calves have been spotted this season, which is encouraging considering that in the past four seasons combined, just 22 births have been recorded. If you happen to see Champagne and her calf call 1-877-WHALE-HELP.
Photo: Getty