Sami Jo

Sami Jo

Sami Jo is the biggest Harry Styles stan, has been to every big concert this year and loves dishing pop culture news! Full Bio


Judge Overrules Objections To Co-Conservatorship Of Britney Spears' Estate

A Judge sided with Britney Spears lawyers on Thursday (February 11th) ruling that a third-party would have equal power as Jamie Spears and will serve as a co-conservator over Spears’ estate. 

Judge Brenda Penny ordered Jamie Spears and financial company Bessemer Trust will equally handle Britney’s budget and investments. 

Britney’s lawyers have called for the removal of Jamie from the conservatorship, but attempts have failed. Her father’s attorney argued the co-conservatorship as,"unclear and ambiguous by design."

Jamie's team didn't win over the judge and ultimately accepted the judge’s ruling and is said to be “looking forward” to working with Bessemer Trust. Both parties will return to court on March 17th. 

I think a lot is being brought to light after the "Framing Britney Spears" documentary. I hope this is a step in the right direction to finally #FreeBritney !!

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