Motorized scooters are officially back on the streets of Miami. The scooter program had been suspended a few months ago due to safety concerns and under-age riders.
During the suspension, law makers met several times to plan a way to bring back the scooter program safely and with new restrictions. Now that motorized scooter pilot program has officially relaunched, officials will keep an eye on whether the new restrictions and guidelines will have a positive, lasting impact.
New regulations include a $250 fine for underage riding, a four-vehicle limit per city block, and group rides have been deactivated. They will also be deactivating scooters when there is a city or county curfew, and will be implementing a new reduced maximum scooter speed of 10 mph in a special operating zone established along Biscayne Boulevard, from Chopin Plaza to NE 11th Street, to better protect pedestrians.