Sami Jo

Sami Jo

Sami Jo is the biggest Harry Styles stan, has been to every big concert this year and loves dishing pop culture news! Full Bio


Lorde Says It Has Been A "Divine" Experience Coming Off Social Media

Performers Unite In Support Of Christchurch For You Are Us/Aroha Nui Concert

Photo: Getty Images

Lorde says deleting her social media has been a “divine” experience. The “Solar Power” singer only has three Instagram posts and no tweets, however, her followers total over 7 million on the platform. 

“I was just pummeling myself with headlines and thoughts from other people all day and it didn’t give me much room to have ideas or brainstorm things. I’m very grateful for that now," says Lorde. The only drawback Lorde says has been not being able to keep up with her friends,“People don’t really tell you what they’re up to, they just tell everyone via a story.”

The singer says she felt stress about the planet, systematic racism, and police brutality,"I don't know how you, someone I would describe as being reasonably neurotic, cope with that."

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