Sami Jo

Sami Jo

Sami Jo is the biggest Harry Styles stan, has been to every big concert this year and loves dishing pop culture news! Full Bio


Pumpkin Spice Lattes Are Back!

Starbucks Suffering From Supply Shortages, Runs Short On Some Ingredients And Supplies

Photo: Getty Images North America

According to Starbucks, Fall is here! Whether you're happy about it or not. The Pumpkin Spice Latte returns to stores today and some people will be waiting in line at the crack of dawn to get one and others will be screaming "SUMMER'S NOT OVER YET."

Along with the “PSL”, Starbucks’ Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew, bakery goodies like the Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffin and the Pumpkin Scone will also be back on the menu.

The Pumpkin Spice Latte has been wildly popular since it was released 18 years ago- Starbucks has sold more than 500-million! I'll admit, I love a PSL and I'm v excited for spooky season, however I will be waiting until AT LEAST October to get one... if I have enough will power.

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