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Thor: Love and Thunder Director Taika Waititi recently spoke of the cameos in the upcoming film, implying that there will be more and he may surpass the benchmark he set for cameos in his last film, Thor Ragnarok.
Waititi said that he wouldn't be letting the cats out of the bag just yet for fear of taking away the fun from the movie. He said, “Otherwise it won't be a cameo. You can't talk about it. Then they may as well be on the poster.”
Some are speculating that Taylor Swift may make a cameo in the movie. Her 1989 album, which many believe will be the next that she re-records, fits the aesthetic of the movie.
Swift also has a connection to Jennifer Kaytin Robinson, who is a writer on the film. She said she listened to Swift’s 1989 album to get over a breakup and her music-heavy film, “Someone Great,” inspired Swift’s “Love” album.