Sami Jo

Sami Jo

Sami Jo is the biggest Harry Styles stan, has been to every big concert this year and loves dishing pop culture news! Full Bio


Shawn Mendes Cancels The Rest Of His Tour

2022 JUNO Awards Broadcast

Photo: Getty Images

This morning (Wednesday) Shawn Mendes sadly announced that he is cancelling the remainder of his Wonder World Tour. As you know a few weeks ago he postponed the tour for a few weeks to focus on his mental health. By the looks of his Instagram post, seems like he needs more time and that is totally okay!

The post reads in part, "After speaking more with my team and working with an incredible group of health professionals, it has become more clear that I need to take the time I've never taken personally, to ground myself and come back stronger."

As sad as I am to not see him in concert this year, I'm happy he is taking this time to focus on what matters most. I think we could all learn from this. It's okay not to be okay and to take time for yourself to heal and work on you. I commend Shawn for being so vulnerable and sharing this message with his fans. Sending him positive vibes! Can't wait to see him when the time is right for him!

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