Sami Jo

Sami Jo

Sami Jo is the biggest Harry Styles stan, has been to every big concert this year and loves dishing pop culture news! Full Bio


Harry Styles Is A Squid In The Video For "Music For A Sushi Restaurant"


Photo: Getty Images

Harry Styles just dropped the music video for Music For A Sushi Restaurant and I have so many questions. First of all I don't think I'll ever be able to eat fish again. Also I need to know what Harry or whoever was taking when they thought of this concept. Lastly, someone please give this man all the oscars. It was a cinematic masterpiece ✨

Harry Styles plays a squid in the music video who has the employees of a sushi restaurant catering to his every need. As he should. All up until the point where he becomes the meal. I mean I get it, it's Harry Styles and he's not a snack he's the whole damn entree! 😉

No but seriously, if there's one thing about Harry's music videos- they NEVER disappoint. Even if you leave more confused than when you started 😅

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