Photo: Getty Images
If you're sick of the dating apps, this dating trend going viral on TikTok might be worth a shot! It's called Home Depot Dating and tbh TikTok might be on to something here lol
It's an idea that came out of a video a TikTok influencer shared at the beginning of the year. In it, she said: "Delete the dating apps in 2023. I'm headed to Home Depot to 'look confused' in the lumber aisle."
Other influencers have shared videos of them in cute outfits, hair done nails done everything did, seemingly "struggling" in the aisles of Home Depot hoping a hunky Home Depot employee will come help... and who knows ask them on a date!
I mean hey, i've heard the dating horror stories- desperate times call for desperate measures 😅 If you try it lemme know how that works out for ya!