Trashing Your Boss's Office Is NOT The Way To Quit

So initially watching this video I was cheering this guy on.  He breaks into the bosses office, cranks up his favorite toons and trashes his boss's office.  

I scooped ice cream at a spot in Pompano Beach called Swensen's for a few months when I was 15 or so and my boss at the time made my life a living hell.  Scooping frozen ice cream seems like cake work but let me be the first to say it SUCKS!  You're hands are always sticky, knuckles are always scraping the jagged ice.. not fun.  But my boss made it 100 times worse.  I would've love to trash her office and post to my snapchat at the time. And probably would've if snapchat or social media was a thing in 2001.  Power moves only, right?  

Wrong.  The fact that he filmed himself doing this and posted it is exactly why he'll probably be living off unemployment for the next few decades.  

Here's a live look at me watching the video initially..

But by the end of the video and came to my senses.  This guy is a modern day moron.  And will never be employed by any boss that has ever surfed the world wide web.  Smart career move, I’m sure this is exactly what his next employer is looking for.

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