DEA Adds 50 New Slang Names For Marijuana (huh?)

The DEA has released their list of over 50 new slang words for marijuana. 

*starts counting all the ones I already know*

Let's see there's weed, pot, ganja, grass, herb, mary jane, reefer... ok I've run out of names lol

Believe it or not the DEA's list has 50 more and none of those are on there...

β€’ A-Bomb

β€’ Alfalfa

β€’ Almohada

β€’ AZ

β€’ Bazooka

β€’ Bionic

β€’ Blue Dream

β€’ Branches

β€’ CafΓ©

β€’ Cajita

β€’ Camara

β€’ Diosa Verde

β€’ Elefante Pata

β€’ Escoba

β€’ Fattie

β€’ Gallina

β€’ Garifa

β€’ Green Crack

β€’ Greenhouse

β€’ Hoja

β€’ LeΓ±a

β€’ Llesca

β€’ Loud

β€’ Lucas

β€’ Manteca

β€’ Mersh

β€’ Mexicali Haze

β€’ MMJ

β€’ My Brother

β€’ Nug

β€’ Palomita

β€’ Pasto

β€’ Pasture

β€’ Peliroja

β€’ Pink Panther

β€’ Pintura

β€’ Plant

β€’ Porro

β€’ Prop 215

β€’ Purple OG

β€’ Red Hair

β€’ Shoes

β€’ Sour OG

β€’ Sticky

β€’ Tangy OG

β€’ Terp

β€’ Terpenes

β€’ Tigitty

β€’ Top Shelf

β€’ Train Wreck

β€’ Trinity OG

β€’ Valle

β€’ Zip

I'm not a pot head but I get the feeling the DEA is made up of a bunch of gullible old folks that got duped by a bunch of pot heads who just made up names to troll them πŸ˜‚

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