Nick Jonas Officially Has A DAD BOD

We've all heard the saying that everything goes downhill after marriage? Welp... I disagree. I'm very married & NO, I don't think that's the case at all!

Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra got married and it's safe to say - they're the cutest. There are even rumors that they plan on having baby Jonas's once the Jonas Brothers 'Happiness Begins' tour is over early 2020!

Anyways... back to Nick Jonas & his dad bod. I mean even typing that feels strange but IT'S TRUE. He traded in his six pack for a muffin top & he's not ashamed LOL

If you don't believe me, scroll below!

Ok... obviously that was the BEFORE. Here are the dad bod 'after' pics & clearly - ERRBODY is here for this!!

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