Florida Governor DeSantis' Message To Spring Breakers: 'Party's Over'

By now surely you've seen this viral (no pun intended... maybe, LOL) interview of a spring breaker telling a reporter "if I get corona, I get corona."

Well, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has made it clear that "the party's over." After images and footage of young vacationers partying on the beach continue to surface even after being warned to observe social distancing, the politician is basically saying enough is enough.

During this broadcast, DeSantis says:

“The message I think for spring breakers is that the party’s over in Florida, you're not going to be able to congregate on any beach in the state. Many of the hot spots that people like to go to, whether it's Miami Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Clearwater Beach, are closed entirely for the time being. The bars are closed so you’re not going to have a place to congregate there, so we would just tell those folks maybe come back next year when things are better, but that is not what we’re looking for here in the state of Florida. Every single beach will have to abide by the CDC guidelines, no more than 10 people, you have to be socially distant, not every beach is going to remain open, but some will.”

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