Miami Beach Mayor: 'We are not Jacksonville,' Beaches Might Open In June

Start mentally preparing to have a beach-less Memorial Day weekend.

In a video included in an email sent to Miami Beach residents, Mayor Dan Gelber made it clear: "we are not Jacksonville." On Friday, the North Florida beaches were opened to residents and they FLOCKED tot he sand. Watch the footage if you hadn't seen the sight yet:

With the number of confirmed cases for COVID-19 still coming in, not all the municipalities believe it's such a good idea to give people a reason to start gathering around and give the Coronavirus a chance to ramp back up. As reported by Patch, the Mayor Gelber said the following:

"We will not rush into a reopening," Gelber said. "I believe part of the reason why this has been such a deadly pandemic is that our nation responded with counter measures too little too late. It would be horrible if we repeated the mistake as we navigate out of this pandemic by doing too much, too soon."

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