Would You Pay $350.00 For The World's Most Expensive PB&J Sandwich?

The world's most expensive peanut butter and jelly sandwich can be found right here in the good ol' U.S. of A. The question is... would you drop $350 for it?

If you're ever in Chicago with an extra $350 to spare check out PB&J, a restaurant in West Loop, which is offering this delectable and pricey sandwich named "The Golden Goose." Why that name and what makes it such a wallet buster? Well... the bread has edible gold in it, it uses one of the rarest honeys in the world (New Zealand Manuka), and features the most expensive jam in the world imported from France. Oh, and the peanut butter is all-natural.

Don't feel completely awful about the price tag, a percentage of proceeds will go to children of Chicago.

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