Who Paints Their Own Album Cover?! Halsey, That's Who

Ok so I'm writing this Halsey blog NOT because I have the only crush on her. NOT because I love her music (which I do). NOT because she checks all my boxes- but because she's amazingly talented and deserves it. As you know, she's dropping new music: 'Graveyard' being her latest. She also painted her own album cover for her latest. You might be asking yourself 'who paints their own album cover?!' Halsey does, that's who. And (in the most non-creepy way) I can watch Halsey paint all day.

I think it's clear that Halsey szn is upon us and i gotta be honest.. I'm not mad at it at all. We're so here for Halsey.. hear her new single 'Graveyard' on Y100! (shameless plug)

K love you guys, bye


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