On Tuesday morning, Miami PD's Chief found himself doing damage control after one of his officers was photographed wearing a Trump 2020 mask while in full uniform. Chief Jorge Colina says corrective action will be taken against Officer Daniel Ubeda.
Officer Ubeda was inside the Stephen P. Clark Government Center in Downtown Miami. When the now trending photo was taken. Chair of Miami-Dade Democrats, Steve Simeonidis tweeted the image that is now making headlines. In the Tweet, Simeonidis used the caption "voter intimidation".
In a statement, City of Miami Police said they were aware of the photograph, calling the officer's behavior unacceptable.
"This behavior is unacceptable, a violation of departmental policy, and is being addressed immediately," City of Miami Police said.
City of Miami Mayor Francis Suarez said the officer would be disciplined but didn't share more details other then had Officer Ubeda not been voting, the repercussions could have been much worse.