CBSLA – If you think that chicken sandwich you ordered at Subway did not fully taste like fowl, you may have been right.
According to a Canadian study, a DNA test showed only half of Subway’s oven-roasted patty is made with real chicken.
Subway was among five fast-food restaurants whose chicken the Canadian Broadcast Corporation had tested.
The results showed the Oven Roasted Chicken patties averaged 53.6 percent chicken DNA while the Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki strips came in at 42.8 percent.
Ok so WTF!? Mind-blown. How does does even happen?! Subway went from being my healthiest lunch option to who knows what the hell I've been eating for the past 10 YEARS! Geez. First Jared, now this?! Not going to lie I was so sold on Jared's story. He's a major reason we look to Subway for the healthy choice. Jared goes down for child porn and now the chicken is only half legit?!
Just to clarify.. this is the chicken we're talking about.
Subway is going down in flames and all we can do is hope those soft-bake cookies go out on liquidation sale. Because let's face it.. they're delicious.