WOW. I'm all about learning from negative situations. Here's what I learned from watching this chick throw a drink at this poor McDoland's employee:
1) Throw a drink at someone and expect to throw hands immediately
2) Iowa City McDonald's employee's play no games
Imagine working an overnight shift.. drunk college kids everywhere, wack rappers trying to rap their orders in the drive-thru, and then BOOM some betch throws a super sized Hi-C all over you. Less than ideal. In fact, the only ideal scenario that I'd be okay with having a drink thrown on me is as follows:
I'm working that same shitty overnight shift, Beyonce walks in, throws a drink on me just to lick it off me. She then tells me how she's not even that into Jay-Z and wishes she could be with me.
Ok. Back to reality. Unless the above scenario happens it's never okay to throw a drink on someone. And if you do, be prepared for a royal rumble.