Frankie P

Frankie P

Frankie P drops the most viral songs in The Y100 Streaming Report, weeknights at 8pm! And some wild TikToks...Full Bio


Man Dressed Up As Fronzone To Watch Incredibles 2

If you've never seen "The Incredibles" before just stop everything you're doing and go rent it right now because you're low key a menace to society. 

The rest of us who are cultured scholars and have seen it will deeply appreciate this dude dressing up as Frozone and walking into the theater to see "The Incredibles 2" 😂

The dude was so good if they ever consider making it a live action movie they should totally get him to play Frozone! He was totally born to play the part *hands over Oscar*

He posted some pics of him with his fam and nobody looked even slightly embarrassed, you know why? 


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