Frankie P

Frankie P

Frankie P drops the most viral songs in The Y100 Streaming Report, weeknights at 8pm! And some wild TikToks...Full Bio


Harvard Scientist Predicts Coronavirus Will Infect 70 Percent Of Humanity

A Harvard University scientist is predicting the coronavirus "will ultimately not be containable" and, within a year, will infect somewhere between 40 and 70% of humanity. 


Also to ease your anxiety the scientist also says many of those people infected won't have severe illnesses or even show symptoms at all, which is already the case for many people who have tested positive for the virus.

That's precisely why the scientist doesn't think the virus can be stopped. 

Because the current coronavirus, known as COVID-19, can be asymptomatic, or at least very mild, there's a better chance people will likely go about their day as normal. The down side, though, is that it becomes harder to trace and prevent. 

In that sense it's similar to the flu, which can also be deadly, but often passes without the infected person seeking medical care.

There's an emerging consensus that the outbreak will eventually morph into a new seasonal disease, which could one day turn "cold and flu season" into "cold and flu and COVID-19 season." (has a great ring to it doesn't it..)


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