Frankie P

Frankie P

Frankie P drops the most viral songs in The Y100 Streaming Report, weeknights at 8pm! And some wild TikToks...Full Bio


Study Found Neck Fleeces and Bandanas Are the Worst Face Masks

A new study at Duke found neck fleeces are the worst face coverings and might even make people more likely to spread Coronavirus.

A new study at Duke University looked at 14 different types of face coverings to see which ones protected people the most from Coronavirus.

No surprise here but they found N95 masks work best and block the most coronavirus particles. 

Disposable surgical masks were almost as good and homemade cotton masks with multiple layers did a pretty good job at offering protection.

Here are the ones that didn't do well; knitted masks with bigger holes like a scarf didn't block as many particles and bandanas didn't do well either

But the WORST mask by far were NECK FLEECES, also called gaiter masks. They're the ones you wear around your neck, and a lot of people use them when they work out.

They didn't block a lot of particles though, and might actually make things WORSE.

The study found they broke saliva particles up into even smaller droplets that got through which would then float around in the air longer, so they're more likely to get someone sick. 


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