My husband travels alllll the time & I'm often asked, 'how do you do it'?
How do I do it!? Are you kidding?
Look at these military wives!? This poor dad missed his daughters birth AND he had to leave again 4 days after back to base.
These men & women are the true heroes!
I can't even imagine having my husband home for 4 days & then he leaves again! 😢 -Nina
This soldier, Brooks watched his wife give birth to their daughter via FaceTime after his flight was delayed from his base in Texas to Mississippi.
Everyone in the airport waited patiently with him to hear his newborn baby girl cry.
They named her, Millie and he was able to hold her 2 hours after she came into this world for the first time.
'I could hear people in the airport talking and cheering! Brooks then went on to say that they were making him board and needed to get off as soon as she finally started to crown and all I remember was my Doctor screaming ‘Don’t let him board the flight! She’s here! She’s here!’ So, the airport personnel let him sit there and watch till it was over!'
'When he walked in at 7:20 it was just Millie and me. He picked her up and held her for five minutes and kept saying ‘wow I can’t believe we just had a baby’ but the entire time I was already dreading him leaving 4 days later' his wife, Haley said.
Congrats guys, she's absolutely beautiful! 😍